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    Pre-school and elementary school-aged children often have trouble managing strong feelings, tolerating disappointment, and communicating with others. They may struggle with regulating their behavior, getting along with siblings and peers, and cooperating with adults, at home, at school, or in other environments. At times, it can be difficult to know why a child is having trouble with their emotions, behavior, or relationships. Psychotherapy can help by providing a detailed assessment followed by clear treatment recommendations for both children and parents alike. Child sessions focus on children learning more about their inner worlds and developing new skills to cope with difficult feelings, express themselves, get along with others, and form a healthy sense of self. Depending on the age and the individual, children express themselves through talking, playing, or a combination. Treatment involves both individual sessions with the child as well as regular meetings with parents to provide collaboration and support. At times, sessions involving the entire family may be needed.

    Therapy can benefit children and families with the following issues:

    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Oppositional behavior
    • Trauma
    • Grief and loss
    • Anger
    • Attention difficulties
    • Learning differences
    • Low self-esteem
    • Suicidality and self-harm
    • Eating and body image problems
    • Academic difficulties
    • Divorce and other family challenges
    • Relocation
    • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder